Art on the Ave

In 2016, Colfax Ave launched Art on the Ave to bring more art to Colfax and create an open air art gallery along the corridor. The initiative kicked off with the painting of 13 utility boxes along the street, transforming dull, gray boxes to beautiful pieces of art. The project was funded by a grant from Denver’s Urban Arts Fund.

Local artists submitted their work and 13 winners were chosen – check out their masterpieces below. After the boxes were complete, Colfaxians voted for their favorites!

If you’re looking for a local artist to help you out with a project, we highly recommend the artists you see below. If you’d like to reach out to them for any potential work, contact us at and we’ll put you in touch!

Artist: Brienne Jepkema

First Place Winner
Location: 1245 E Colfax

Artist: Adelina Gonzales

Second Place Winner
Location: 2019 E Colfax

Artist: Andre Dion

Third Place Winner
Location: 338 E Colfax

Artist: Ian Bawn

Location: 616 E Colfax

Artist: Jennifer Bobola

Location: 2340 E Colfax

Artist: Seymon Ozjuah Gurule

Location: 629 E Colfax

Artist: The Gathering Place

Location: 2000 E Colfax

Artist: Rhonda Kimura

Location: 1244 E Colfax

Artist: Emily Knaub

Location: 1040 E Colfax

Artist: Susan Martinez

Location: 1775 E Colfax

Artist: SURJ

Location: 935 E Colfax

Artist: Christopher Haven

Location: 2331 E Colfax

Artist: Anduriel Widmark

Location: 900 E Colfax