Attention, Colfax business and property owners. Would you like an opportunity to make your building safer and more attractive for your customers? Could your building use more lighting or improved landscaping?
The Colfax Ave BID is providing gap/matching financial assistance to property and business owners up to $5,000 to help make improvements to a property that address safety issues by applying CPTED principles.

CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) is the practice of designing a place / space to be attractive, comfortable, and safe. The operative word here is PREVENTION. CPTED’s goal is to prevent crime by designing a physical environment that positively influences human behavior.
When CPTED is put into practice, the resulting environment, including the building and its surroundings, will discourage or impede criminal behavior, and at the same time encourage honest citizens to keep a watchful eye.
A quick snapshot of some CPTED strategies would include:
- Maintain good lighting both inside and outside the business.
- Eliminate hiding spots. Trim hedges and remove fences, dumpsters, etc. that create blind spots or hiding places.
- Use curbing and landscaping to direct automobile and foot traffic into a controlled, visible area.
- Make sure security signage is clearly visible at all entrances.
Read more about CPTED strategies here. Apply through the online form below. Applications are due September 30th.
You can also download the PDF below and share with your collaborators. Email Executive Director Frank Locantore at with any questions.