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Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods

  1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods
Events from this organizer

CHUN Historic Preservation Committee

Please attend the next meeting of the Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Historic Preservation Committee on Monday January 29 at 7pm. The temporary new location will be the Sheedy Mansion, 1115 Grant Street. These items will be on the agenda and maybe more: 1. Tour of the landmark-designated Sheedy Mansion, which has recently been renovated. 2.…

CHUN Zoning and Transp Committee

Tentative agenda 1) Discussion with representatives from the City of Denver about Conservation Districts 2) Discussion with Denver Public Works regarding the Colfax Bus Rapid Transit The Zoning Committee is a standing committee of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods that meets the first Wednesday of every other month (Feb./Apr./Jun./Aug./Oct./Dec.) at 7:00PM on the 19 floor community…

CHUN Historic Preservation Committee

The Historic Preservation Committee is responsible for numerous historic districts as well as individually designated homes and buildings. The Committee has been active for over 20 years and still meets the last Monday of every month at 7PM at Castle Marne (1572 Race St. Denver 80218).

CHUN Historic Preservation Committee

The Historic Preservation Committee is responsible for numerous historic districts as well as individually designated homes and buildings. The Committee has been active for over 20 years and still meets the 4th Monday of every month at 7PM at Castle Marne (1572 Race St. Denver 80218).

26th Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods 1290 Williams St, Denver, CO, United States

Join Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods for its Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Our friends and neighbors from Warren Village, the Gathering Place, Teller and Moore Elementary Schools, and other neighborhood kids will be in attendance. Families with children of ages 2-10 encouraged to attend. Please join us for fun, games, refreshments...and a special appearance by the…

CHUN Zoning and Transp Committee

Agenda TBD The Zoning Committee is a standing committee of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods that meets the first Wednesday of every other month (Feb./Apr./Jun./Aug./Oct./Dec.) at 7:00PM on the 19 floor community room at 1201 Williams St Denver 80218. The committee addresses Zoning and Land Use, Liquor License and Transportation issues that impact the CHUN neighborhoods.…

CoolFax and Cocktails

Meet neighbors and the organizations that serve neighborhood 3 of CHUN! For this event we are working to specifically target the areas in these boundaries: North: 22nd Ave to South: 13th Ave, and West: York St. to East: Colorado Blvd — but of course all are welcome! Participating Neighborhood Organizations: Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Congress…