We’d like to extend a big Colfax Ave welcome to our newest team member and Operations Manager, Mitch Freund! Mitch joins us from Milwaukee and brings over 15 years of experience working within Business Improvement Districts, both in Wisconsin (Madison and Milwaukee) and California (Fresno).
As our Operations Manager, Mitch is responsible for providing care and attention to the public realm on Colfax. This includes our existing street assets like our trash receptacles and pedestrian light poles as well as overseeing the installation of new street furniture, signage, art, etc.
Mitch will also work closely with our Colfax Works crew and partners at Ready to Work to strengthen the program and maximize the BID’s clean team efforts throughout the district.
Mitch started with us last week and hasn’t wasted any time getting to know Colfax and our local businesses. He enjoys being out on the street (in all types of weather – he is from Wisconsin, after all), making connections in the community, and identifying areas for improvement in the district.
Mitch brings a passion for urban revitalization focused on preserving a community’s unique assets and culture, which makes him a great fit for our iconic street. He is also very passionate about removing stickers and graffiti, so we know Colfax will keep him busy. We can’t wait to see all of the great things he’ll do for the BID and the corridor.
Drop Mitch a line and welcome him to the ‘hood at mitch@colfaxave.com and make sure to say hi if you see him out on the street!