The work we do on Colfax is made possible by working with many different community partners with shared visions to improve our city. We partner with many different businesses, neighborhood groups, non-profits and others throughout the year; here are just a few of the collaborative efforts we are proud to be a part of.

Unhoused Action Coalition
We are part of a growing coalition of diverse community groups collectively known as the Unhoused Action Coalition, or UAC. The UAC formed in response to the growing homelessness and affordability crisis caused by decades of policy decisions that have eliminated support for people suffering from poverty, mental health illnesses, and addiction.
These challenges cannot be solved overnight, but efforts to address them must accelerate to provide immediate, near-term, and sustaining support. The UAC crafted a 10-point action plan to urge city leaders to implement a comprehensive approach that spans the full continuum of homelessness.

Caring for Denver Foundation
The Caring For Denver Foundation was created in 2018 to address Denver’s mental health and substance misuse needs by growing community-informed solutions, dismantling stigma, and turning the community’s desire to help into action.
Our Executive Director, Frank Locantore, serves on the Caring For Denver Foundation’s board of directors.

Colfax Collaborative
We continue to work with our fellow Colfax BIDs (West Colfax, Bluebird District, and Colfax Mayfair BID) as the Colfax Collaborative to tackle shared issues and ensure that the 2017 Elevate Denver Bond, which included funding for pedestrian improvements along Colfax, is equitably distributed along the corridor.

Economic Relief & Recovery Council (ERRC)
The Economic Relief and Recovery Council serves as an advisory group that provides strategic recommendations to the Mayor and the City’s Executive Leadership on how to mitigate and prevent further negative impacts of COVID-19, as well as guide future growth to the Denver economy and businesses through an equitable lens.
Our Executive Director, Frank Locantore, served as chair of the ERRC's BID subcommittee, which has evolved into the "Commercial Districts Committee" to continue these efforts.